To the 100 anniversary since birth Leontyeva Valentine

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The Heartily entertainment program became the main child of a legend of domestic television. Today hundred years since the birth of the announcer Leontyeva Valentine are executed. It became a part of the life of a huge number of people, about a legend of domestic television – Okuneva Darya. And all forty years that it was on the screen the TV viewer reciprocated. For the whole generation of the Soviet children – it not the leader even, and consider – the family member, the aunt Leontyeva Valentine . She read fairy tales, taught children to make in "Skillful handles" and helped to wake up together with "Alarm clock". But also mother Malysha from Carlson...
Angelina Vovk
Last position: TV host of the program "Good Morning, Russia!" (JSC Channel One Russia)
Kira Proshutinskaya
Last position: Host of the program "Wife. Love story" (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TV CENTER")
Evgeny Aleksandrovich Kochergin
Last position: Announcer of "My joy" TV channel (NON-COMMERCIAL PARTNERSHIP "CONSUMER COOPERATIVE")
Leontyeva Valentine
Okuneva Darya