Balyan Karo: "When you read Shakespeare, you understand that he is a genius"

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In Saint Petersburg State budget cultural institution "Theater yunykh zriteley named after A. A. Bryantseva" at full speed there are performance "Midsummer Night's Dream" rehearsals (16%2B), the premiere is planned for September 1. The production director – the director of the Yerevan international Shakespearean theatrical festival – Balyan Karo how you became the director of the Yerevan international Shakespearean theatrical festival? – Formally our festival exists since 2005. It was the well-known theatrical action with rich history. Unfortunately, due to the lack of financings in 2014 the festival interrupted work for two years. Just at that time I reflected on creation of own festival...
Svetlana Lavretsova
Last position: Director (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Theater yunykh zriteley named after A. A. Bryantseva")
 Anna Slynko
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema
Balyan Karo
Bryantsev Karo
Bayaliev Ulanbek