Yegor Alekseevich Orudzhev explained who is more guilty in Piastri's collision and Carlos Sayns Vaskes de Kastro

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The known racer, the bronze prize-winner of the Formula V8 3.5egor Yegor Alekseevich Orudzhev commented on collision Oscar Piastri and Carlos Sayns Vaskes de Kastro in the first turn of the past race of the Grand Prix Belgium. "Piastri when got to Lewis obviously could not see Carlos Sayns Vaskes de Kastro. The Oscar was strongly more to the right. Even if it would be as a whole on an equal basis with "Ferrari", it is a blind zone, and it was strongly behind. So I would agree with Carlos Sayns Vaskes de Kastro that the Oscar precipitately got. Two cars drive in turn. Lewis cannot precisely plan that he leaves inside space for two race cars. Chance that Carlos Sayns Vaskes de Kastro are left by a place, small and in...