A fake one for another: in "ROSKACHESTVO" called the worst brands of milk

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Yeliseeva Catherina "ROSKACHESTVO" were spent by large-scale and deep studying of brands of milk in the Russian market. As a result at them the impressive list of trademarks which in different parameters did not satisfy researchers turned out. From 100 trademarks in milk seven brands – "A white valley", "From Udoyevo's village", "A dairy spring", "My price", "Volga", "Svoye-Nashe", Vita – are revealed the phytosterols which existence tells about falsification products. In milk 15 brands – "Amka", "A white valley", "White dews", "Volokolamsk", "Dmitrogorsky product", "From Udoyevo's village", "Knyaginino", "Dairy culture", "mine...