Poland nationalized plants of the co-owner of TechnoNIKOL corporation Kolesnikov Sergei

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Poland nationalized plants of the co-owner of TechnoNIKOL corporation Sergey Kolesnikov", "date": "2023-07-29T06:40:35.000000Z", "notice": null, "body": " Poland nationalized plants of the co-owner of TechnoNIKOL corporation. The head of the ministry of developments reported the countries about it and technologies Valdemar Grzegorz Buda. Department nationalized plants of the billionaire Kolesnikov Sergei. "We the first country in Europe which entered the mechanism of temporary compulsory managements. And we do not stop process of blocking of the Russian influence and the Russian capital" — Valdemar Grzegorz Buda told. The politician noted that these companies are more...