Experts of NMITs of a name of the academician Ilizarov G. A. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation visited with working visit to Republic of Buryatia

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NMITs of a name of the academician Ilizarov G. A. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation are parent organization among NMITs Russian Federation on a profile traumatology and orthopedics. Within methodological work with the subordinated medical organizations of 27 subjects Russian Federation there took place departure of specialists of the Center of Ilizarov to Republic of Buryatia. A part of the working group were: manager of scientific and clinical laboratory of traumatology Anatoly Antonovich Korobeynikov and doctor traumatologist-orthopedist of office No. 15 Kulikov Oleg. Within three-day departure Kurgan experts visited: RKB of N. A. Semashko, RK BSMP of V. V. Angapov, City...
Anatoly Antonovich Korobeynikov
Main activity:Politician
Eugenia Ludupova
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Buryatia)
Ilizarov G. A.
Kulikov Oleg