The "Star" ex-lawyer on a trumped-up case against the management "Merlion" sentenced to 5,5 years of a colony

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The ex-lawyer who rendered services "protection" to founders and "Merlion's" top managers on a trumped-up case about an arson, sentenced to 5,5 years of a colony. Him found guilty under the articles "fraud in especially large size" and "escape from under arrest". The condemned lawyer protected earlier in court football players Roman Nikolaevich Shirokov and Pawel Pogrebnyak, the singer Stanislas Mikhaylovich Kostyushkin, etc. Prison for "protection" The Krasnogorskoe City Court of the Moscow region was kept saying ex-advokatavadima by Lyalinak to 5,5 years of a colony for plunder money at the Merlion IT company and escape from under guards. The lawyer reported about this CNews...