The authorities of Leningrad Region want to get rid of port assets

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Photo: The Leningrad region tries to sell to Leningrad Region which operates the port of the same name. According to the edition "newspaper "Kommersant". St. Petersburg", the Leningrad regional COMMITTEE PO ADMINISTRATION OFFICE GOSUDARSTVENNYM IMUSHCHESTVOM (KUGI) exposed on auction 15 469 common stocks of joint stock company that makes 20,99% of total of actions of society. The initial price lots — 231,5 million rubles. Auction will take place on August 23 on electronic trading platform JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RAD" (demands are accepted till August 16 inclusive). Let's note that it already the second...
Goncharov Konstantin
Main activity:Wholesale trade
Main activity:Operations with real estate, rent and other services