The ambassador in the CAR reported about lack of motions in investigation of murder Orkhan Dzhemal, Kirill Radchenko and Alexander Rastorguev

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Central African Republic (CAR) transferred to the public prosecutor inquiry Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation on the case of death of the Russian journalists in 2018, the ambassador reported Russian Federation in the CAR Alexander Mikhaylovich Bikantov. According to him, while serious changes in investigation are not present, but the authorities of the CAR assure that work is conducted, and "nobody is going "to put" this subject" on the shelf. Orkhan Dzhemal Photo: newspaper "Kommersant" / Novikov Maxime Alexander Rastorguev Photo: newspaper "Kommersant" / Deryugin Vasilii / to buy a photo Kirill Radchenko to the Photo: from personal archive Kirill Radchenko according to mister Alexander Mikhaylovich Bikantov, "yet did not pass any...