In Minzdrav listed the recommended preparations for emergency contraception
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Extension of the list of the subject and quantitative account (SQA) will not make means of emergency contraception more available. It declared the chief non-staff specialist on reproductive health of women Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, professor Natalia Dolgushina, gives information agency "ITAR-TASS". It was a question of the offer to include in PKU list such medicines as mizoprostol and mifepriston. The expert also listed preparations for the emergency contraception, approved Minzdrav. "As emergency contraception it is recommended to apply levonorgestrel, the combined oral contraceptives, and also installation...
Natalia Dolgushina
Last position: The associate director – the Head of Department of the organization of scientific activity (FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "NMITS AGP NAMED AFTER V. I. KULAKOVA" MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)