Court changed a sentence of the ex-head Salsk for a bribe in ₽2,5 million

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Photo: Freepik Regional court of Rostov changed a sentence to the former head Salsk Rostov Region Borisenko Eugenie and to his deputy Kashnikov Sergei. As specified in the instance press service, in time punishments to ex-officials reckoned time of the contents of everyone under guards from the moment of the actual detentions — from December 22, 2020 to July 16, 2023 inclusive. Let's remind, in March of the current year of the former head of the Salsk city settlement Borisenko Eugenie sentenced to 8,5 years of a colony of a high security and a penalty of 12,5 million rubles. Him found guilty on h. 6 Art. 290 of the criminal code of Russian Federation...