At the Forum Russian Federation — Africa will discuss ways of developments the African space industry for acceleration of developments economy and increases of a standard of living of the population

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On July 27 within the business program of the Economic and humanitarian forum Russian Federation — Africa in the "Cooperation in the field of Science and Technologies" direction will pass panel discussion "Russian Federation — Africa: space technologies for acceleration of developments economy and increases of a standard of living of the population". The director of Engineering academy of РУДН; РУДН ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ; ФГАОУ ВО РУДН; ФГАОУ ВО РУДН ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; ФГАОУ ВО "РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ ИМЕНИ ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ" Razumny Youri will be her moderator. At action will make a speech director general ROSKOSMOS STATE CORPORATION Youri Ivanovich Borisov, the first deputy chairman of committee State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on...