Neural networks drew portraits of national characters: Pupkin Vasilii, Pikhto's grandfather, Petrovich, the girl from Ural

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Neural networks helps us to compare the idea of the national character to the image which creates Artificial intelligence. Sometimes the generated image coincides with that creates a human brain, and heroes of the fairy tale find visible outlines. As characters of national folklore according to the version Artificial intelligence look, learned LLC "FederalPress". Pupkin Vasilii – the hero of the Runet which a certain hypothetical citizen, a generalized character or, with language of science, "ekzemplifikant" has to work It. Mythical Pupkin Vasilii even more often appears in the answer to a question "And who will work? " instead of the past...
Sergei Lukyanenko
Main activity:Journalist
Andrey Bilzho
Main activity:Cultural worker
Pupkin Vasilii
LLC "FederalPress"
Main activity:Communication and IT