Anniversary JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALMAZY FEDERAL DISTRICT OF ANABAR" is celebrated magnificent ysyakhy on the Mayat mine

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On the Mayat mine passed a unique and joyful event - shift workers celebrated Ysyakh devoted to 25-year anniversary of Company "Almazy Federal District of Anabar". Action took place on sites Ebelyakh - Goose and Talakhtakh. The anniversary holiday brought together more than 1500 employees JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALMAZY FEDERAL DISTRICT OF ANABAR", working as a shift method, from all next mountain sites. Besides, celebration JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALMAZY FEDERAL DISTRICT OF ANABAR" Aleksey Alekseevich Okorokov and Chapter ulus Anabarsky Natsionalny Platonov Edouard in companies local creative collective visited director general JSC <1> of ALROSA Pavel Alekseevich Marinychev, director general. Organizers prepared...