Results of treylovy running of Golden Ring Ultra Trail 2023

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On July 21-23 in Suzdal passed one of the largest ultratreylov Golden Ring Ultra-Trail from organizers of Running Heroes Russia. For participation distances were available to any level of preparation. On Friday July 21 passed night start of HARD NIGHT on 10 km and a new distance of Suvorov Extreme of 30 km. On Saturday I Love Running Morning Run runnings on 5 km, children's starts on 1 both 3 km and Trail Sprint GRUT on 5 km took place July 22. On Sunday the main treylovy runnings on 10 km, 20 km, 30 km, 50 km, the difficult route on 80 km and a title distance on 100 km took place July 23. Results of winners: HARD...