Background: The book train will arrive in the middle of August to the station Ulan-Udeigry "108 suburganov" (0+) will pass in the territory of Aninsky datsan on July 29 from 10.00. The program will include traditional competitions on

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Background: The book train will arrive in the middle of August to the station Ulan-Ude the Games "108 suburganov" (0%2B) will take place in the territory of Aninsky datsan on July 29 from 10.00. The program will include traditional competitions on national fight, archery and horse jumps. About it writes UlanMedia (Ulanmedia) with reference to TITs "Baikal". The games "108 suburganov" are classical "Eryn gurban naadan" — "Three games of husbands", traditionally carrying out in the territory of datsans in areas Republic of Buryatia. Essence "108 suburganov" that keepers of one of 108 mortars of the oldest in Republic of Buryatia Aninsky datsan become...