Sergei Pavlovich Mironov called Government of the Russian Federation to recognize true scales of poverty in the country

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In Moscow the chairman of the party ""A Just Russia" Party – For the truth" Sergei Pavlovich Mironov today, on July 21, 2023, in conversation with the staff reporter of Rainbow news agency declared that for overcoming of poverty it is necessary to recognize first of all its true scales which at least twice exceed official data. The politician paid attention to the researches confirming this position, and need of acceptance of social measures on which draws SRZP. Earlier experts of Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University provided own assessment of level of poverty which was much higher than the official in the scientific article. "Instead of a defective indicator "border...