In Museum Akhmatova Anna will submit the new book about the African expeditions Gumilev Nicholas
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On July 19 in information agency "ITAR-TASS" there took place press conference, devoted to the publishing and exhibition projects, connected with a name of the known Russian poet, the traveler and the africanist Gumilev Nicholas. On it Rezvan Yefim - the arabist, islamoved and the deputy director of Cabinet of curiosities announced presentation of the book "Abyssinian to callas. Materials expeditions Gumilev Nicholas on Islam and an Islamic knizhnost East Africa" which will take place on July 27 in museum Akhmatova Anna in Fountain House. The name for the book was chosen not incidentally. Ethiopia is the second, neoftsialny the name Ethiopia. And to "callas" is ground...
Akhmatova Anna
Gumilev Nicholas
Rezvan Yefim
Rezan Yefim