This day in the history Sakhalin Region and Kuriles, on July 20: opened a monument to the Russian admiral Nevelskoy Gennady Ivanovich

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"MK on Sakhalin Region" tells about significant events in the history Sakhalin Region and Kuriles which occurred on July 20. 2013 In 2013 on July 20 in Korsakov opened a monument to the Russian admiral Nevelskoy Gennady Ivanovich. This day, on July 20, in 2013 in Komsomolsky Square in Korsakov in the south Sakhalin Region the monument to Nevelskoy Gennady Ivanovich — to the outstanding Russian seafarer and the researcher Far East was open. The monument was made in 2012 by the known Russian sculptor from Saint Petersburg Albert Serafimovich Charkin, installation and opening were dated for 200 anniversary celebration from the date of...