Storozhevki's accession to Saratov postponed until 2025

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It occurred because of repairs are expensive. At the next meeting Regional Duma of Saratov suggested to postpone to a year accession to Saratov Storozhevsky municipal educations Tatishchevo district. It is connected with continuation of constructions highways public local value with an asphalt covering from Storozhevki to Zelenkino's village. Extent of roads 4,1 kilometers. Construction works last for three years. Including construction two bridges, 25 and 40 meters long is planned and begun. Means in the volume of 42,5 million rubles within the program are put...
Sergei Zyuzin
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Subnational Entities of the Saratov region)
Golubeva Catherina