Almost at billion rubles estimated damage to the nature after collision of tankers on Lena in Kirensk district
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Incident happened more than a month ago near the settlement of Alekseevsk Department of General prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation in Ural Federal District estimated the damage to environment caused by collision of two tankers on the Lena River near the settlement of Alekseevsk in Kirensk district on June 12. The volume of the fuel which have got to water made 82 tons. About it it is spoken in the reply of department to the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from Irkutsk Region to Arapov Georgy, the document is published in it Telegram on July 18. — It is established that on June 12 the oil motor ship "Erofey Habarov" belonging to PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LORP" (further PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LORP"), following on...