Medical disputes, economic examinations in criminal trial and violations of the rights of lawyers in a pre-trial detention center

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The next webinar of FPA on improvement of professional skill of lawyers With lectures took place UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA (MGYUA) MGYUA (UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA) Aleksey Savitsky and the vice-chairman of the Commission on protection of the professional rights of lawyers of Non-state Non-commercial organization "Advokatskaya palata Sankt-Peterburga" Tarasov Nikita acted the associate professor of civil and administrative legal proceedings of UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA (MGYUA) MGYUA (UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA) Streltsova Helena, the director of the Scientific and educational center of judicial examinations. As the press service of Federal Palata Advokatov reports, the next webinar of Federal chamber of lawyers of Russian Federation" on improvement of professional skill of lawyers took place on July 18. With the first lecture of a webinar on a subject "Medical...