Sobchak swore with Eugenie Nikolaevich Ponasenkov on interview

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The historian and the blogger Eugenie Nikolaevich Ponasenkov (it is recognized Russian Federation the foreign agent) entered polemic with the journalist Ksenia Sobchak during interview which is published on it video hosting services "YouTube". It compared Ksenia Sobchak to "the drunk prosecutor in kitchen" for its questions. "I understand that you very much want [to make] any muck, to hook. Even yours not a profession, and nature — to substitute, discredit it... " — Eugenie Nikolaevich Ponasenkov declared. It was not pleasant to the historian that Ksenia Sobchak asks not those questions concerning it to "The first scientific history of war of 1812". The journalist why Eugenie Nikolaevich Ponasenkov allows interested, for example...