DC Motorsport by Petrukovich: weekend of take-off and falling on Igor Drive

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Pilots of DC Motorsport by Petrukovich opened a weekend of the Grand Prix Saint Petersburg bronze in the three-sentry enduranse in a class 600. Sergei Mikhaylovich Petrukovich earned one more cup in SSP2 arrival. 970250 Advertising: Motorcycles enduro K2R of motorsports portal "Motogonki.ru", on July 16, 2023 - After physically difficult Friday and a successful running in of the new motor, pilots of DC Motorsport by Petrukovich Sergei Mikhaylovich Petrukovich and Danilov Yvan came for start of the three-sentry enduransa, in the joint structure with Anastasia and Belyakov Ilya from Chrome Racing. Fight for the highest places in offset 600-k, proceeding 79 circles, was not simple, and two departures from a track...