Ilya Lagutenko accepted uproar
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Ilya Lagutenko with the group acted in Culture center Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University. During a concert for students LLC "Laguna" so tried that strained a voice and almost ruined the guitarist. Long ago not acting in Moscow with "democratic" concerts LLC "Laguna" at last pleased the listeners – not oligarchs with solo performance. Reason for a concert in a recreation center of Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University became release of an album of remixes under the simple name "Best DJ Dance Mix". After numerous restaurant concerts where it appears as ordinary cold dandy with graceful manners, Ilya Lagutenko decided to indulge and give all the best completely...