The Vavilovsky university was visited by delegation from Baghdad

@SGAU im. Vavilova
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Last week Vavilovsky's guide universities met representatives Baghdad university the Ministries of science and technologies Iraq. The delegation was headed by the doctor of veterinary sciences, the director of oncological office of the ministry of science and technologies Zeyad of Gat Tea Koshan Alrikabi, the Doctor of Engineering on environmental protection of the ministry of science and technologies, the head of department of fight against climate change Speak in a deep voice Abdoul Hussein Sattar, the doctor of science on biotechnology of the ministry of science and technologies, the head of department of biotechnologies Iman Hendigatea Naseri al...
Loshchinin Sergei
Ali Abdul-Khakim
Larionov Sergei
Lushnikov Vladimir
Vorobyeva Darya
Багдадский университет
Main activity:Science and education