The structure of jury Venetian international film festival] became know

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The anniversary (80th) film festival will pass on Lido's Italian island from August 30 to September 9. Earlier it was already declared that the jury Venetian international film festival will be headed by the Oscar-winning American director Demyen Shazell ("La-la Lend"). The day before it became known who will keep company Demyen Shazell: directors Martin Faranan Makdonakh ("To go in hiding to Bruges"), Elizabeth Jane Kempion ("Piano"), Santiago Mitre ("Argentina, 1985"), Mia Hansen-Lev ("Bergman's Island"), Maynetti Gabriel ("Desperate avengers") and the last year's winner Lora Poytras ("All beauty and bloodshed"), and also the Palestinian actor Bakri Hassan Salekh and. .