SHOT: Cause of death of the actress Marshalova Larissa became blood clot

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SHOT: Cause of death of the actress Marshalova Larissa became blood clot the Reason of sudden death of the actress from series "Kamensk" Marshalova Larissa there was a rupture of blood clot, reports SHOT. The arrived doctors could not make anything, and the 44-year star of series and tetra suddenly died. Farewell about Marshalova Larissa will take place on July 14 in Theatre the film actor in Minsk. Marshalova Larissa for years of career acted more than in 100 movies and series among which "Kamensk", "Men do not cry", "Detective agency Ivan da Marya" and some other. When speak "blood clot came off", most often it is a question of a tromboemboliya pulmonary...