Potential ekzoplanet with liquid water can be a hundred times more, than was considered

@Nauka - TASS
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In the past many zemlepodobny planets were considered too cold for formation on them liquid water, but earlier calculations did not consider heat proceeding from a subsoil of these worlds of information agency "ITAR-TASS", on July 11. Planetologists found out that the number of potential analogs of Earth with liquid water in the Milky Way is approximately a hundred times higher, than was considered in the past. It considerably increases chances of detection of extraterrestrial life, researchers at conference of the European association of geochemistry (EAG) reported. The habitability of "doubles of Earth" depends on an arrangement of continents Many ekzoplanety with the hydrogen atmosphere possess "eternal"...
Mendes Abel
Университет Пуэрто-Рико
Main activity:Science and education