The Central Election Commission Uzbekistan officially declared a victory Shavkat Mirzieev on elections

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The acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirzieev won elections of the head of state with result 87,05 percent. About it it is reported in the statement of Central Election Commission of the republic on July 11. The first deputy head Verkhovnogo of vessels the countries Robakhon Makhmudova received 4,43 percent of votes, the leader of People's democratic party Ulugbek Inoyatov — 4,02 percent, and the head of Ecological party Abdushukur Khamzaev — 3,74 percent. "The resolution on election Shavkat Mirzieev to a position President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 87,05% of the votes which have taken part in was accepted...