Completely Russian "Swallow" presented at the international level

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Yekaterinburg, on July 11, LLC "FederalPress". Completely domestic high-speed elektrooyezd "Swallow" of the ES104 series it was presented at the stand of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY SINARA GROUP on International industrial exhibition "Innoprom" to the chairman of Government of the Russian Federation to Mikhail Mishustin, to the prime minister Belarus to Roman Aleksandrovich Golovchenko and the prime minister Kazakhstan to Alikhan Smailov. "The president of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY SINARA GROUP Khodorovsky Mikhail and director general Victor Nikolaevich Lesh presented to prime ministers of three countries a sample of completely domestic high-speed electric train "Swallow" of the ES104 series", – the press service of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY SINARA GROUP reports. It is reported that the high-speed electric train is equipped...