On July 8 in MAU "Drama theater Benefit performance" came to the end with g of Yelets the 29th theatrical season. ⁣

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4 performances based on the Russian national and classical literature were during this time let out: "Seagull. The last act" according to the play Chekhov A. P., the director Nasirov Timur; "Morozko", author of a performance Zagibalova Tatyana, director Klimov Oleg; "Belkin's Stories" on works Pushkina A. S., the author of a performance and the director Malyutin Denise; "Tsarevna frog", author of a performance and director Velenskaya Yuliana. ⁣ With support Fund "Miloserdie" The Christmas Fir-tree Is Kind project for children from the families which have got to a difficult life situation was realized. On a gratuitous basis tours were conducted on...