"Rusagro" <0> Group closed the transaction on purchases 50% of actions of <1> Group of "NMZhK"

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Istochnik:https://www.interfax.ru/of <0> Group of "Rusagro" , one of leading agroholdings Russian Federation, closed the transaction on acquisition at the Russian shareholders 50% of actions of <1> Group of "NMZhK" , is reported in the press release of companies. LLC "Group of companies "Rusagro" will direct the efforts to development brands of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NMZHK" and full disclosure of potential of investments. The transaction will allow JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NMZHK" and LLC "Group of companies "Rusagro" to realize effects from joint synergies in the market of meal, oil, industrial fats, and also b2c products. Unconditional priority is preservation of reliable and effective work of group of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NMZHK" within existing contracts", - is spoken in the press release. Amount of transaction...