In Khabarovsk doctors of policlinics leave on the enterprises for medical examination

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As reported in Krayevoy Minzdrav the Khabarovsk policlinic No. 11 organizes departure of mobile teams of doctors on the enterprises Industrialny rayon for carrying out medical examination. "We decided to adapt a format for carrying out medical examination of the working population in Khabarovsk. This category of citizens not actively passes free inspection because of employment", - Olga Kostina, the chief physician of policlinics noted. She notes at those who is occupied at work most of all comes to light serious diseases. It both oncology, and problems with vessels and heart, both diabetes, and diseases of bodies...
Olga Kostina
Last position: Member of council of Civic chamber of the Russian Federation
Kokurin Boris
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
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Krayevoy Minzdrav
Government Agency