To Kazan assigned flowers to a monument to Pyotr and Fevroniya

@Biznes Online
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Today, in Day of a family, love and fidelity, to Kazan the flower-laying ceremony to a monument to Pyotr and Fevroniya Muromskim who is at the temple on Chistopolskaya, 30 took place. About it it is spoken on a site of the Tatarstan metropolitanate. The metropolitan Kirill, the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the member of the committee for a family, women and children Larionova Tatyana, the chief of Administration office civil registration office Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan Nigmatullina Gulshat, the head regional public organizations "The Russian national and cultural association RT" Aleksandrovskaya Irina. "This day we celebrate not since 2022 when the holiday became...