Thomas Cruise Meypoter IV opened, what movie will watch the first after "Barbie" and "Oppengeymer's" premiere

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The American actor Thomas Cruise Meypoter IV opened, in what order is going to look at one of the main film releases of 2023 — the biographic thriller Christopher Jonathan James Nolan "Oppengeymer" and the romantic comedy Greta Selesta Gervig "Barbie" (both movies will be released on July 21). He shared the plans in conversation with Australian newspaper "The Sydney Morning Herald". "I want to look both "Barbie", and "Oppengeymera". I will watch both [movies] during a premier weekend. On Friday I at first will look at "Oppengeymer", and then on Saturday of "Barbie" — Thomas Cruise Meypoter IV reported. The actor at the moment prepares for release on big screens the seventh part...