To UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA (MGYUA) MGYUA (UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA) presented the monograph on antimonopoly regulation in the conditions of digitalizations

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On July 3, 2023 in UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA (MGYUA) MGYUA (UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA) the presentation of the scientific monograph under edition of professor of chair of the competitive right of UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA (MGYUA) MGYUA (UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA), the member of RSMD Yegorova Maria "Antimonopoly regulation in the conditions of digitalizations took place: modern calls to trust between business, society and the power". As reviewers of the monograph acted: Vladimir Fedorovich Popondopulo and Aleksey Sushkevich Euroasian economic commission. The complex analysis is carried out to monographs developments the practician, the commodity markets undertaken by participants in conditions...