Karpenko Vladimir about transition to "Yenisei": "For me it is new opportunity to develop as the player and to prove in League of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB""

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The playing Karpenko Vladimir became the player of "Yenisei" as rents from TSSKA. "Because I did not receive rather game time for the developments in the main structure of TSSKA, the decision to spend the next season in rent was made. "Yenisei" showed interest, and we came to the arrangement. I am grateful to club for the given opportunity! Emotions only the positive. My native uncle Aleksey Nikolaevich Vzdykhalkin spent two seasons in "Yenisei" and gave the most positive responses. For me it is new opportunity to develop as the player and to prove in League of Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB", I do not doubt that it...
Aleksey Nikolaevich Vzdykhalkin
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (Kupol-Rodniki basketball club)
Karpenko Vladimir