The expert called microcracks a possible cause of explosion on a bathyscaphe "Titan"

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According to agencies information agency "Associated Press", the bathyscaphe case repeatedly was exposed to loadings during about two tens previous immersions New York, on July 2. information agency "ITAR-TASS". Associated professor Plimutskogo universities (United Kingdom) Dzhasper Graham - Graham Jones considers that microcracks could become the bathyscaphe cause of accident "Titan". About it reported agency information agency "Associated Press". According to its data, the bathyscaphe 12,7 cm thick case repeatedly was exposed to loadings during about two tens previous immersions, and each new travel led to emergence of new microcracks. "It...
Dzhasper Graham
Graham Jones
Anri Paule
Davud Shakhzada
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles
University Strathclyde
Main activity:Science and education