With support State corporation "Rosatom" in Myanmar for the first time there took place a science Festival

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During the period from June 28 to June 30 in Yangon (Myanmar) passed the Festival of science organized by State corporation "Rosatom" together with Ministry of science and technologies of Myanmar. Action at the same time took place on two platforms – in Information center on nuclear technologies and in Yangonskom Tekhnologichesky university. The festival of science is held in the countries of presence State corporation "Rosatom" worldwide and traditionally unites active youth and expert community, gives the chance to plunge in an informal and friendly situation into the fascinating world of science. This year such festival was for the first time organized in...
Nicholas Nikolaevich Spassky
Last position: The deputy director general - Blok's director of the international activity (State corporation "Rosatom")
Myo Teĭn Chzho
Last position: Minister (Ministry science and technologies of Republic of Union of Myanmar)
William Oliver Stone (Oliver Stone)
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, film producer
State corporation "Rosatom"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Tekhnologichesky university