Former head "LLC "YANDEKS". Benches" in absentia sentenced to 8 years for doubtful data on army Russian Federation

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Soderzhaniyebiografiya 2021-2022: Initiation of legal proceedings 2022 Interviews American newspaper "The New York Times" and to foreign agents the Announcement in search and arrest of accounts Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications blocked a site of the edition Ilya Krasilshchik "Support service" the Correspondence arrest on the case of fakes about the Judgment by default army - 8 years for fakes about army Russian Federation the Notes Ilya Krasilshchik the Biography Worked as the editor of the Poster and Jellyfish editions. 2021-2022: Initiation of legal proceedings became known on April 22, 2022 of initiation of legal proceedings concerning Ilya Krasilshchik. "LLC "YANDEKS" Benches" suspect the ex-head in...