In Korenovsk there took place a meeting of experts Korenovsk district and Timashevsky rayon

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In OF THE KORENOVSK CITY MTPP, KMTPP the working meeting of experts Korenovsk district and Timashevsky rayon took place. Within the anniversary action devoted to the 100 anniversary of examinations by Russian Federation, the chairman OF THE KORENOVSK CITY MTPP, KMTPP Natalia Soloukhina, the expert Loy Natalia and Timashevsky's chairman of Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Gennady Shpygar, the expert Irina Shpygar discussed the agenda, and also questions of cooperation and exchanged experience. Let's remind that 2023 in system Chamber of commerce & industry Russia, chamber of commerce & industry RF is declared anniversary year of examinations. Exactly hundred years ago, in 1923, in Petrograd the first Office commodity examinations was created. It began work as a part of Northwest...