LLC "SKANGALI" from 01.07.2023 to 15.07.2023 carries out the following works to the period on fields with crops of winter and summer crops (a colza summer, bean): spraying of cultures from diseases and wreckers

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Used preparations: Fungicides - Ikarus, Duo, Prozaro's Title. Class of danger to the person - 2, for bees-3 (moderate and dangerous substance) Insecticides (a butonization phase) – Boreas, the Gothic style, Rangoli Noril. Class of danger to the person-2,3, for bees-1 the Insecticide (a blossoming phase) – the Gazelle. Class of danger to bees and the person-3 Paul with cadastral numbers, the area of a field and borders: 60:04:0170201:119 – 25 hectares in borders. Swarms, of Lbovo 60:04:0170201:126 – 120 hectares, 60:04:0180501:137 in borders of of Dubishno 60:04:0180101:69 (68) – 50 hectares in borders Krutets 60:04:0180101:89 – 75 hectares in field borders d...