The air passenger comes back to salon

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Federal Air Transport Agency submitted data on transportations airlines this year In January — May the passenger traffic of the Russian airlines grew by 21%, to 37,5 million people — due to developments internal flights. Experts consider that transportations following the results of all 2023 can return on the dosanktsionny Passenger Traffic of the Russian Airlines level in January — May, 2023 grew almost by 21%, to 37,5 million people, Federal Air Transport Agency follows from data. It is the maximum growth rate since the beginning of 2023. In particular, for May of transportations at once jumped up for 30% by May of previous year, having reached 8,7 million passengers a month that...
Elina Kulieva
Main activity:Official
Kallinikov Kirill
Pomerantsev Grigory
Kudelkin Dimitri
Nikonov Alexander
PJSC Aeroflot
Main activity:Transport
Main activity:Transport
JSC Expert RA
Main activity:Communication and IT
JSC Airport Pulkovo
Main activity:Public administration