Khose Antonio Dominges Banderas, Sarah Kerolayn Olivia Sinkler, Reychel Anne Zegler and Mortimer Emily can act in the third part of "Paddington"

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The edition of weekly magazine "Variety" reported that Reychel Anne Zegler and Mortimer Emily can fill up a cast of the third part of "Paddington" Khose Antonio Dominges Banderas, Sarah Kerolayn Olivia Sinkler. According to information, in the third part Mortimer Emily will replace Sally Cecilia Khokins as Mrs. Braun. Sarah Kerolayn Olivia Sinkler will play will play Saint mother, the cheerful nun playing the guitar and the managing director of a shelter for bears on pension. Whom will play Khose Antonio Dominges Banderas and Zegler, it is not known. The history for trikvela was thought up by Paul King, Simon Farnebi and Berton Mark who already worked over the first two parts, wrote the scenario Berton Mark, John Foster and Lamont James...