Representatives of the management and employees of regional UMVD congratulated Noskov Yvan Pavlovich - the veteran of law-enforcement bodies - the participant of the Great Patriotic War on the 102 anniversary

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Guests visited the senior colleague in day of its birth personally to express the respect and to transfer warm words of congratulations from staff of garrison of the Oryol police. The head of department of moral and psychological providing, the deputy chief of URLS of regional UMVD the police colonel Savosina Natalia, the head of ADMINISTRATION OFFICE FEDERAL SERVICE OF ARMIES OF NATIONAL GUARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON OF THE ORYOL REGION Sergei Aleksandrovich Staroseltsev, the staff of regional departments visited at the veteran of law-enforcement bodies - the participant of the Great Patriotic War Noskov Yvan Pavlovich. Today he was 102 years old. Guests sincerely congratulated the veteran...