The employee SIZO-2 Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Kirov region won the title "Queens in Shoulder Straps"

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For a rank "The queen in shoulder straps" 6 contestants who presented fought: Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Kirov region, Department of the federal tax service of the Kirov region, ADMINISTRATION OFFICE FEDERAL SERVICE OF ARMIES OF NATIONAL GUARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON OF THE KIROV REGION, MINISTRY OF FORESTRY OF THE KIROV REGION, military and historical club of G. P. Bulatov, Management Rospotrebnazdora on Kirov Region. The criminal and executive system Kirov Region was presented by the senior inspector of department of special account SIZO-2 Okatyeva Darya. Competition consisted of three stages: girls submitted the card, showed talents...