We consider changes in software Sevastopol of 27.12.2019 No. 700-PP "About placement of non-stationary trade objects in the territory of Sevastopol

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To attention of businessmen! DEPARTMENT SELSKOGO ECONOMY I POTREBITELSKOGO MARKET OF THE SEVASTOPOL CITY published the Notice of preparation of the draft of the resolution of GOVERNMENT SEVASTOPOL "About modification of the resolution of GOVERNMENT SEVASTOPOL of 27.12.2019 No. 700-PP "About placement of non-stationary trade objects in the territory of Sevastopol". Publication date: June 19, 2023. Placement term — 7 working days a resolution No. 131-PP Location according to the reference - the Resolution of GOVERNMENT SEVASTOPOL of 02.04.2021 No. 131-PP. The remarks and offers send to the developer...