Sentenced to 12 years of prison the former general Ministries of Internal Affairs Denise Aleksandrovich Sugrobov left a colony — the lawyer

@360° Podmoskov'e
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The ex-general Ministries of Internal Affairs Denise Aleksandrovich Sugrobov left a colony on UDO, the lawyer of information agency "RIA Novosti" in the Morning on June 22 the former chief Glavnogo of managements confirmed economic security and counteractions corruptions Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Denise Aleksandrovich Sugrobov left a colony. Isetsky Edouard told to Advocaat TV channel 360 ° that he planned to return to Moscow. "Had to and, in nine mornings. Anybody yet did not call, did not tell" — he declared. The former general, according to his defender, remains in Moscow where lived to a capture under guards. Information on plans to go the volunteer to a zone of carrying out special operation completely to be rehabilitated...