The damage from actions of the ex-head of Household management company Rostov Region Andrey Fedorovich Mayer] became know

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From actions of the ex-minister of Household management company Rostov Region estimated damage in 298 million rubles, reported in the press service of vessels of the region. Court arrested the former minister of Household management company Rostov Region Andrey Fedorovich Mayer. It will stay in a pre-trial detention center till July 20. In its business 11 new episodes were opened. They are connected with improvement of public territories in 2019. Andrey Fedorovich Mayer, being the minister, instructed the subordinates to make demands for receiving from Ministry finansov subsidies. Money had to go for improvement of objects in Rostov-on-Don, Yegorlykskaya district, Aksay district, Myasnikovsky district, Novoshakhtinsk...